Christmas Gift Guide: Boyfriend Addition
So I absolutely love to buy Christmas presents for everyone and my boyfriend is definitely no exception! He is a nerd, is in school to become a doctor and he loves video games so if your fella sounds anything like this this gift guide should help you out rightly if you don't know what to buy him this year!
If he's a gamer the first thing you can't go wrong with is a gaming chair, if he's anything like mine he spends hours playing video games and ends up with pretty bad back pain so the solution to this is a super comfortable chair! I would absolutely love to buy one for my boyfriend this year but funds are tight so won't be able to! But I can recommend one to you that I think is just lovely!
This is the Dxracer Racing Gaming Chair available on for €279! It has a tall wide backrest which would be perfect for optimal back support and has 8 different settings on the arm rest to suit any game. Believe me your boyfriend will love you a hella lot if you surprise him with one of these Christmas morning!

either! They also do some really nice underwear if you're in a saucier mood this year that I think he'll like more than anything else when he knows your thinking about his nether region! Anyways I'm definitely getting off topic now and sure listen if all else fails you can never ever go wrong with a selection box, just enjoy your Christmas and those undies of course....oh god just stop! Love you all for stopping by and please come back tomorrow if I haven't totally ruined your Christmas innocence!
Trendy Irish Gal
Wednesday, 2 December 2015