Double Denim! Shop Olivia Palermo's Style!
Whether you love it or hate it double denim is back and not in a scary Britney and Justin way *shivers*, but in a fabulous Kendall Jenner and Olivia Palermo way!
Of course as always Topshop and New Look have absolutely everything you need to rock this look! We're gonna work off Olivia's amazing look here and find the best dupes for her outfit we can! Hope you enjoy!

Next we have the skirt which was little harder to find but they have one which is pretty much the exact same in New Look for €20, cheaper than the shirt so we're happy about that! Pick It up here!

As always if you have any questions or queries don't be afraid to ask! I'm always available on my Instagram: missneumeister, my Facebook:Trendy Irish Gal and my Twitter: MissNeumeister .
Friday, 22 April 2016